social media management

Special care for your social media in order to attrack new and loyal customers. 

Thoughtful posts

In today’s online world, social networks offer vast advertising opportunities for any business. Many of our customers don’t even realize how quickly and effectively they can attract new and loyal customers using social advertising. 

Appealing content

Social networks require proper care so that your customers can interact with you on a daily basis and keep up to date with your news and promotions. Let our team at Verteco, create enticing regular content that will appeal to both – you and your customers.

Targeted online advertising

Thanks to Verteco, your online advertising will be taken care of. We will take care of its visual concept, map the online spaces, do the necessary research and analysis, professionally target it for your customers … and this is just the beginning.  

How does the creation process work?

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selection of target

We’ll use all available analytics tools for selection of target group.

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online mapping

We’ll start “hunt” on online portals and medias, used the most by the targeted groups.

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securing platforms

We’ll choose and secure places on all chosen online platforms.

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graphic realisation

We’ll create thematically interactive graphics, posts contents or videos for all your social media.

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specification of the target group

We’ll target our focus  mostly on people, that are close or interested in similar products and services.

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targeted marketing

Adverts are going to be shown to targeted groups in their digital space.

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social media mangement

We can help you manage your social networks so that your customers or clients are always satisfied. 

influencer marketing

Advertising your brand in the online world

Influencers are a more modern and reliable online form for marketers and salespeople. While in the past, salespeople used to go from company to company or stand in the town square and offer your product for people to try, today this method is done thanks to social media. And it works really quickly and reliably if you know how to do it.

Basically anyone can be an influencer. It is enough if the person in question has created a profile on a social network through which he/she offers or presents certain services/products. However, only those who have a wide audience are considered as valuable influencers for online advertising.

An influencer’s job is to present certain services or products online. We can say that they are something like a modern online form of door-to-door salespeople. They post various positive reviews on their online profiles and thus influence their audience and increase the marketability of the given services or products.  The cooperation with the companies they represent sometimes works on the basis of sponsorship, sometimes on the basis of an exchange agreement and sometimes on a multi-year contract between the company and the influencer. It all depends on the popularity and skill of the influencer. 

There are no limits to the online world. It doesn’t matter what kind of company you are or what services you offer. If you have a target group you want to reach, there is definitely an influencer who can help you get closer to them. 

Choosing the right influencer for your service/product is very important. Consider that the person will be your online representative and therefore you need to be careful to target the right audience. Of course, we can certainly help you in this regard and find an influencer who will meet your requirements and fit in with your company brand. 

Just get in touch with us and tell us more about your product or requirements. We will then find and select suitable candidates in the market and present them to you later. If you agree with the selection, we will contact the candidates directly and agree to work together. And then it’s on to the creative processes such as choosing the right tactics and presenting the product. And then the rest is up to the selected influencer.  Of course, we’ll keep an eye on everything until the campaign is finished and offer you ongoing reports or suggestions for improving the campaign. 

The way of presenting products or services online is very diverse. We are a creative company and therefore we try to find the most suitable way for your company. In addition, influencers often have their own ways of selling. They interact with their audience on a daily basis, so they know best what works best for them. So we always try to put our heads together and come up with a solution that will please you, the influencer or their followers.

Translated with (free version)

If everything goes according to plan, only positive results await you. In every way. For example, increased sales of your products or more traffic to your online pages. It all depends on your desired goal.

Wish to see how it looks like?

See a sample of our Instagram profile design for one of our clients. 

NŠC web design

Do you need to find

the right solution for you?

Let us know and we will advise you on the most suitable solution for your problem.


We are a creative studio with years of experience in digital world and advertising. We really enjoy our work, which can be seen on the results of our work. That’s why we are one of the few creative studios, that has a policy – if you are not satisfied with the reasults, you don need to pay! We stand for quality – our main condition, if we are to be paid for something. Do not hesitate to contact us and try our talents.


without risk

without risk

You only pay if you like the result. It is up to us to deliver quality.


verified quality

verified quality

Our client list include top companies in Slovakia, so you don't have to to worry quality.


innovative solutions

innovative solutions

We do our work according to the latest standards and follow all modern trends in the world of digital




With us, you no longer need to look for a supplier for each area separetely. Saving a lot of time.


favorable prices

favorable prices

We are not the cheapest, but you can get a lot more music for the same money.


personally meetings

personally meetings

We are ahppy to meet you in person at every important step, whether at our branch or elsewhere.


special approach

special approach

We approach our work humanely, always original and with the uniqueness created for your brand.




If somthing needs to be done "yesterday", we are here for you. We are used to occasional work at night or over the weekend.


We have already helped a number of our clients to create the right solution, simply because our services and solutions suit small or large companies. 


We have already helped a number of our clients to create the right solution, simply because our services and solutions suit small or large companies. 

Looking for a handy helper?

You found him!

Contact us today to discover the great benefits we offer our clients. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and advise you on the best possible solution. 

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+421 948 355 017

Visit us:

Dunajská 4,
811 08 Bratislava

Štúrova 849,
962 12 Detva

Rosinská cesta 13,
010 08, Žilina

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